Sunday, October 9, 2011

Possible research topic

                As the world becomes more technologically advanced, so too does the ways in which advertisers are able to get across their message in all facets of society.  Recent developments in technology have helped advertisers directly pinpoint certain demographics in a product or service’s target market.  The internet for example, has allowed certain marketing firms to find out how to best reach an audience by observing clicking patterns and recording search queries.  On the surface this type of observation may seem harmless; however, one must question the effects this type of extreme target market segmentation has on the general population.  More specifically, how does such targeted advertising affect the maturation process of adolescents?  
This paper will attempt to explore some of the research done in this field and how, if at all, do advertisements affect the behavior and personality of adolescents.  

Below is a list of some articles I believe will aid in this paper:

Children, Adolescents, and Advertising

Pediatrics In Pediatrics, Vol. 118, No. 6. (1 December 2006), pp. 2563-2569. doi:10.1542/peds.2006-2698 Key: citeulike:1896338

Internet advertising: Is anybody watching?

J. Interactive Mark., Vol. 17, No. 4. (2003), pp. 8-23. doi:10.1002/dir.10063 Key: Dreze2003

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